Holland Estate Management Board

The Holland estate, which is located in Spitalfields close to the border of the City of London, transferred to EastendHomes in October 2006.   

Following transfer, extensive regeneration and refurbishment work has taken place around the Denning Point complex. This includes additional social rent flats, a new community centre and a new EastendHomes Head Office.  More recently comprehensive refurbishment works have been completed to Herbert House and Jacobson House.

The current office bearers for the Holland Estate Management Board are:

Chair -  Kabir Ahmed

Vice Chair - Max Reeves

Secretary – Yolanda De Los Bueis

The Estate Management Board features representatives from different blocks within the estate.  The current board consists of 5 leaseholders and 9 tenants. 

The Holland Estate Management Board aims to meet every four-six weeks. The group meets at 5.00pm on a Wednesday at the EEH Head Office which is based within the estate. 

Meetings are scheduled for the following dates:

  • Wednesday 10 July 2024
  • Wednesday 4 September 2024
  • Wednesday 16 October 2024
  • Wednesday 27 November 2024

The current priorities for the Holland EMB are to ensure the completion of regeneration / refurbishment works to:

Barnett, Bernard, Brune, Carter Houses

  • Installation of lifts
  • Remedial works to the BBC paved courtyard area (levelling / renewal as required)
  • Communal drainage / sewage renewal
  • Disabled access ramps to all communal entrances.

Wheler House

  • Renewal of tarmac courtyards areas.
  • Installation of external security and perimeter entrance.
  • Block refurbishment
  • Installation of lifts

Other priorities:

  • Resolve the ongoing concerns with the current parking enforcement contractor
  • Continue working with EEH and the Council to deal with concerns about the increase in drug dealing around roads outside of the estate by non residents.
  • Work with EEH to deal with problems caused by Airbnb/HMO type properties.
  • Making the estate much greener, friendlier and safer for residents

For more information on the activities of the EMB and how you could contribute please contact the Holland Housing Officer.


29 May 2024 [pdf] 199KB

17 April 2024 [pdf] 274KB

28 February 2024 [pdf] 183KB

17 January 2024 [pdf] 304KB

29 November 2023 [pdf] 210KB

13 September 2023 [pdf] 278KB

19 July 2023 [pdf] 225KB

7 June 2023 [pdf] 227KB

26 April 2023 [pdf] 266KB

22 March 2023 [pdf] 204KB

15 February 2023 [pdf] 142KB

11 January 2023 [pdf] 248KB


Regeneration Sub-Group

Following a request from the Holland EMB, minutes from the Holland Regeneration sub-group are now available online. Please click the links below to read.

18th October 2021 [pdf] 178KB

3rd March 2021 [pdf] 238KB

30th May 2019 [pdf] 91KB

11th March 2019 [pdf] 26KB