Resident Involvement Publications

EastendHomes has a range of documents to explain and assist residents in becoming involved in the management of their estates. If you would like some information which you cannot find on these pages, please contact us.

Resident Involvement Strategy

EastendHomes has developed a Resident Involvement Strategy for 2021-24 which sets out how we intend to provide opportunities for our residents to become engaged and involved with how EastendHomes delivers services to residents. This strategy was approved by the EastendHomes Service Review Committee in June 2021.

You can read a copy of the Strategy [pdf] 290KB .

If you would like to provide feedback on this strategy, you can do so by writing to your local housing office, or by emailing EastendHomes via this website.

All of EastendHomes resident involvement activity is carried out with reference to our Resident Consultation and Participation Policy. You can read this here. [pdf] 97KB


EastendHomes has a  Resident Involvement leaflet [pdf 2MB], which explains the range of opportunities for our residents to become involved with EastendHomes, the influence wielded by each activity and the time commitment entailed.

You can see our full range of leaflets in the Leaflets section of this website.