Support Services

A number of organisations offer specialist support and advice for residents of Tower Hamlets. 

THCAN Logo The Tower Hamlets Community Advice Network is a directory of agencies in the borough who can provide support for residents covering a range of situations covering a wide range of situations including money and debt advice; employment advice; immigration advice; legal advice; and housing advice. You can also search for support agencies by location. Visit for information.

The Idea Stores, run by Tower Hamlets Council, provide information on a wide range of activities, services, and resources operating in the borough, as well as library services. You can also access details on learning and training courses. 

The Tower Hamlets Council website also provides lists of local (and national) advice suppliers.

Help with Domestic Abuse

What is Domestic Violence?

  • Physical Abuse
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Verbal Abuse
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Withholding money
  • Being prevented from seeing friends and family
  • Persistent texts and phone calls

Anybody can be a victim of domestic violence—including both women and men—and those in heterosexual, gay or lesbian relationships. It can affect the rich and the poor, the young and the old.

What to do if you are a victim:

  • Seek professional advice

  • Speak to the Police

  • Speak to Women’s Aid

  • Speak to your Social Housing Provider EastendHomes

EastendHomes will:

  • Treat your report in the strictest confidence
  • Advise you of all the options that are available
  • Advise you about emergency accommodation
  • Refer you to a specialist agency if you wish
  • Ensure that you are supported throughout
  • Give you time to make a decision
  • NOT expect you to start criminal proceedings

If you or anybody you know is a victim of domestic violence there is no need to suffer alone.

Contacts in Tower Hamlets

  • Call 999 for the police emergency service if you feel you or your children are in immediate danger from a violent partner.
  • The National Domestic Violence Helpline is open 24 hours a day on
    0808 2000 247 and provides information, advice, support or emergency refuge accommodation.
  • The National Centre for Domestic Violence specialises in helping victims of domestic violence to obtain non-molestation and other orders (injunctions) from court to protect them from further abuse. Depending on your financial circumstances, the service they provide is free. The centre can be contacted on 08709 220 704.
  • Drug and Alcohol Services for London. DASL provides a range of alcohol services in Tower Hamlets, including a Domestic Violence Service. 
  • Refuge Tower Hamlets Domestic Violence Floating Support service. Specialist floating support service for women who are experiencing DV and moving on from their current accommodation or wish to remain in their own home having separated from the perpetrator. Tel: 0207 858 6500
  • Tower Hamlets Asian Women’s Domestic Violence Floating Support Service. Specialist floating support service for Asian women who are experiencing DV and moving on from their current accommodation or wish to remain in their own home having separated from the perpetrator.
    Tel: 07904 343125
  • Women’s Aid
  • Women’s Resource Centre. Tower Hamlets Women’s Aid was set up in 1975 and provides support, information and advice to women affected by domestic violence.
  • Tower Hamlets Police Community Safety Unit is a borough based specialist Police unit dealing with the support of victims call 0207 2754757.
  • Broken Rainbow is a service for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people who experience domestic violence. Call the Helpline on 0300 9995428 for information and advice.

The Tower Hamlets Council website also contains lots of advice on support which is available, including a directory of advice and support services. The Council also runs the Sanctuary Project, which in some cases may allow victims to stay in their home.

What should you do if you or someone you know may be being neglected or abused?

If you are concerned that you or someone you know may being abused, neglected, or exploited, please say something.

Abuse can take many forms - physical, sexual, financial, neglect, self-neglect, psychological or emotional abuse, discriminatory abuse, modern slavery, domestic violence, and organisational abuse.

Abuse can happen anywhere – at home, in a care home, hospital or day service, at work or at school or college, in a public place, or in the community.

Abuse can be caused by anyone – a partner, carer, relative, child, neighbour or friend, a health, social care or other worker, whether paid or a volunteer, a stranger or someone in a position of trust.

What you can do?

No one should have to live with abuse and by reporting abuse you can help bring it to an end.

Remember abuse is always wrong whatever the circumstances. You can help the person to be aware of the support available. You can use the contact information below to report abuse and/or to seek advice.

Is someone is injured you may need to help them to a doctor or call for an ambulance. If you think a crime has occurred you can contact the Police.

You can always get advice and you can do this anonymously. This means without anyone knowing it is you.

If you are concerned about someone you know, try to speak to them, if it is safe to do this. Tell them why you are concerned and ask them what they want you to do about it. Always try to get them to get help.

How to report abuse?

To report a crime – in an emergency contact the police Tel: 999. If the person is not in danger now, contact the police Tel: 101

To report a Safeguarding Concern: contact Tower Hamlets Adult Social Care Tel 020 7364 5000 or Tower Hamlets Children Services 020 7364 5006 or

contact EastendHomes.

What will happen after the abuse is reported?

When you report abuse we will:

  • listen to you
  • take your concerns seriously
  • respond sensitively
  • make enquiries about the concerns
  • consider the wishes of the person at risk.