Tenant Satisfaction Measures

EastendHomes surveys our tenants (and shared owners) annually in line with the Governments'  Tenant Satisfaction Measures. These allow residents to understand how well their landlord is performing in managing their homes and delivering services. 

There are 22 measures included, of which twelve come from the annual survey which we ask residents to complete, and ten come from the information we calculate from managing services.

Below is the latest performance for all measures, grouped by themes. 

You can view the results for all landlords nationwide on the gov.uk website

The Resident Voice

TP01 — Satisfaction with overall services — 69.0%

TP06 — Satisfaction that EastendHomes listens to tenant views and acts upon them — 61.3%

TP07 — Satisfaction that EastendHomes keeps you informed about things that matter to you — 68.0%

TP08 — Satisfaction that EastendHomes treats you fairly and with respect — 70.7%

Repairs Service

Monochrome outlines of a spanner and screwdriver

TP02 — Satisfaction with repairs service (if had a repair in the last 12 months) — 64.5%

TP03 — Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair (if had a repair in the last 12 months) — 58.8%

TP04 — Satisfaction that your home is well-maintained — 68.0%

RP01 — Proportion of homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard — 4.8%

RP02 (1) — Proportion of non-emergency responsive repairs completed within the target timescale  83.7%

RP02 (2) —Proportion of emergency responsive repairs completed within the target timescale  96.9%


Place icon

TP10 — Satisfaction that communal areas are kept clean and well-maintained — 75.2%

TP11 — Satisfaction that EastendHomes makes a positive contribution to your neighbourhood — 63.9% 

TP12 — Satisfaction with EastendHomes' approach to handling anti-social behaviour — 57.9%

NM01 (1) — Number of anti-social behaviour cases opened (per 1,000 homes) — 5

NM01 (2) — Number of anti-social behaviour cases that involve hate-related incidents opened (per 1,000 homes) — 0

Building Safety

Monochrome of a fire extinguisher

TP05 — Satisfaction that your home is safe — 71.8%

BS01 — Proportion of homes for which all required gas safety checks have been carried out — 100%

BS02 — Proportion of homes for which all required Fire Risk Asssessments have been carried out — 100%

BS03 — Proportion of homes for which all required asbestos management surveys or reinspections have been carried out — 100%

BS04 — Proportion of homes for which all required legionella risk assessments have been carried out — 97.6%

BS05 — Proportion of homes for which all required communal passenger lift safety checks have been carried out — 99.8%

Complaint Handling

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TP09 — Satisfaction with approach to complaints handling (if raised a complaint in the last 12 months) — 41.3%

CH01 (1) — Number of Stage 1 complaints received per 1,000 homes — 58

CH01 (2) — Number of Stage 2 complaints received per 1,000 homes  8

CH02 (1) — Proportion of Stage 1 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code timescales 55.2%

CH02 (2) — Proportion of Stage 2 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code timescales — 11.1%

How we did the survey

We surveyed all our tenants and shared owners between October 2023 and January 2024, with the survey closing on 8 March 2024. All tenants were written to at their home twice (unless they had already responded to the first invitation), and also given the option to complete the survey online. 

We received 450 responses to our 2023/24 survey. This means that the results for the satisfaction measures are considered statistically significant and give a reasonable indication of what our residents think of our services. Thanks to all those residents who took part and shared their views. There was an incentive to complete the survey of a prize draw to win one of three £50 shopping vouchers. The successful randomly selected winners have now received their prize. 

Because we surveyed all tenants, there was no sampling or adjustment to our results. We did not exclude any tenants from participating due to 'exceptional circumstances'.

Sample Survey form [pdf] 399KB

What we learned from our results

EastendHomes recognises that using feedback from our residents can help to identify actions which can be taken as we continue to seek to improve our services.
Our Board reviewed the survey results and has agreed a number of actions in response. These include:
  • Discussing the results with residents including Estate Management Boards to get their views on the differences in perceptions between neighbourhoods
  • Improving how we promote our services: we have relaunched the EEH website in September 2024, and are using social media to publicise events and resources which are useful to our residents
  • Our Resident Services Committee is overseeing an improvement plan with our lead repairs contractor Morgan Sindall Property Services — having seen the importance of repairs to residents and that satisfaction and contract performance are not where we would like them to be
  • We have been making changes to our formal complaints process, and the Resident Services Committee is receiving a new performance report. We know that complaints are a useful tool for us to learn and that it is important to our residents that it is easy for them to raise something to our attention, and to see how we act in response.