Building Safety Panel

To keep our residents safe and make sure you know what to do in situations relating to building and fire safety, we are setting up a dedicated building safety panel. 

Key Details

  1. The panel will be made up of 14 members include resident members, co-opted members, Housing Team and the Building Safety Team.
  2. The panel will meet 4 times a year and engage in a wide range of activities that support the work Eastend Homes is doing on building and fire safety.
  3. Members will be remunerated for their time; £30 voucher per session
  4. There will be an application process to select members.
  5. Terms of office will be for 3 years.

Members on this panel will challenge & influence our building and fire safety policies and practices. They will shape how we carry out building safety consultations, advise on how we can improve our current marketing material and work with us to reach more of our resident base.

Information Session (Local Housing Centres)

If you’re interested in applying to join this panel, we will be hosting an online information session. We will also be doing in-person drop-in sessions at the local offices where you can learn more about the panel and get support completing the application form.   

In Person (Eastend Homes Local Offices)

Island Gardens Housing Centre

Location: 137 Manchester Road, Isle of Dogs, London, E14 3DN

Date: Tuesday 14th January 2025

Time: 9.00am to 11.30am


Mile End Housing Centre

Location: 123 Hamlets Way, London, E3 4TY

Date: Tuesday 14th January 2025

Time: 1.00pm to 4.30pm


St George’s and Glamis Housing Centre

Location: 61a Swedenborg Gardens, London E1 8HP

Date: Thursday 16th January 2025

Time: 9.00am to 11.30am


Holland Housing Centre

Location: Eastend Homes, 3 Resolution Plaza, London, E1 6PS

Date: Thursday 16th January 2025

Time: 12.30pm to 2.30pm

Online Information Session

If you can't drop into our local office we are also hosting an online information session. 


Date: Thursday 23rd January 2025

Time: 1.00pm to 2.00pm 

Type: Microsoft Teams

Link: Click here to register for session 

Apply Now

To apply to join this panel as a resident member please complete a paper application form or our digital application form.

You can visit your local office and ask them to print you a copy to complete.

The deadline date to submit the application is Sunday 2nd February 2025.

Download Building Safety Panel Application

Download Application Here

Please complete before the deadline on Sunday 2nd February. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1)    What is the purpose of the panel?

The panel has been set up to incorporate residents' views and lived experience to influence the planning and delivery of Building and Fire Safety programme.
As part of that work resident and co-opted members will review and advise on various areas relating to policies, practices, marketing material and communication.
They will review performance information relating to Building and Fire Safety but also learn about regulatory requirements and hold Eastend Homes accountable for meeting their legal compliance responsibilities on Building and Fire Safety.

2)    What is the role of a resident or co-opted member?

All members will

  1.  work co-operatively and constructively as part of a team.
  2.  have a willingness/commitment to set aside the time necessary to attend meetings and training.
  3.  have a willingness/commitment to undertake training for the role.
  4.  raise concerns or questions at meetings on behalf of residents at large or specific communities.
  5.  share information with other residents to help increase building and fire safety knowledge and awareness.
  6.  influence future policy and strategy regarding building and fire safety.
  7.  monitor building and fire safety compliance in relation to the new Building and Fire Safety Bill.

3)    What does the recruitment process look like? 

  1. Recruitment to the Building and Fire Safety Panel will be undertaken by the Head of Building Safety with the support of the Resident Involvement Team.  
  2. Application process will be used to recruit residents and co-opted members on the panel.
  3. Any applicants considered for appointment, must not be in a current legal dispute with Eastend Homes. This may include any legal cases involving dis-repair, eviction or Anti-Social Behaviour. We believe this to be a conflict of interest, so applicants will need to wait until a formal decision on their legal dispute has been reached and then they can reapply when we recruit for a vacant position.
  4. Any applicants considered for appointment must not be in breach of their tenancy/lease agreement. We believe this to be a conflict of interest, so applicants will need to wait until their breach is resolved and then they can reapply when we recruit for a vacant position.
  5. Any applicants considered for appointment, must not have more than £1000 in rent arears. This will be looked at on a case-by-case basis, but consideration will be given if a payment plan is in place. The Rent Team will also need to confirm a consistent payment is being made to reduce the rent arrears and that they will not take legal action.  
  6. If an applicant has an open complaint against Eastend Homes regarding building safety, then this must be declared in the application. We believe this may be a conflict of interest, but we are open to looking at this on a case-by-case basis to understand the nature of complaint and whether it will be a conflict of interest.
  7. If there are more applicants than spaces available, then a shortlisting and interview process will take place with the Building Safety Team and Resident Involvement Team.
  8. Resident membership is open to all residents who are either tenants, leaseholder or a family member of 16 years or more living in the following types of properties which are managed, leased or owned by East End Homes.
  9. The Building Safety Team will assume responsibility for any appeals from unsuccessful applicants regarding the recruitment process.

4)    What happens if I’m successful? 

  1. Appointments will be made for a 3 year period and will include a probationary period of 18 months.
  2. Applicants will be informed by letter or email to let them know if they were successful or not.
  3. New members will be asked to confirm acceptance of the appointment and the conditions applying.
  4. All new members will undertake an induction, and any training and development needs will be assessed.

5)    What is the remuneration I get for being on the panel? 

  1. All resident members and co-opted members will be remunerated via vouchers.
  2. A £30 voucher will be given per session for attending each meeting or training session.
  3. Resident members will qualify to receive the voucher as long as they have been present for more than half the meeting duration.

6)    How to contact the Building Safety Team. 

Residents can raise building concerns by

  1. Phoning Eastend Homes fire safety line on 020 7517 4711
  2. Emailing