Performance Information

EastendHomes monitors performance across the organisation through a number of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

EastendHomes residents have selected their top ten priorities from our list of Key Performance Indicators, reflecting the range of services provided. Performance against these top ten indicators is included in each of our quarterly newsletters

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

EastendHomes surveys our tenants (and shared owners) annually in line with the Governments' Tenant Satisfaction Measures. These allow residents to understand how well their landlord is performing in managing their homes and delivering services. 

There are 22 measures included, of which twelve come from the annual survey which we ask residents to complete, and ten come from the information we calculate from managing services.


Updated June 2024
Ref. Metric 2024 Perf.
TP01 Satisfaction with overall services 69.0%
TP02 Satisfaction with repairs service (if had a repair in the last 12 months) 64.5%
TP03 Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair (if had a repair in the last 12 months) 58.8%
TP04 Satisfaction that home is well-maintained 68.0%
TP05 Satisfaction that home is safe 71.8%
TP06 Satisfaction that EastendHomes listens to tenant views and acts upon them 61.3%
TP07 Satisfaction that EastendHomes keeps informed about things that matter to you 68.0%
TP08 Satisfaction that EastendHomes treats you fairly and with respect 70.7%
TP09 Satisfaction with approach to complaints handling (if raised a complaint in the last 12 months) 41.3%
TP10 Satisfaction that communal areas are kept clean and well-maintained 75.2%
TP11 Satisfaction that EastendHomes makes a positive contribution to their neighbourhood 63.9%
TP12 Satisfaction with EastendHomes' approach to handling anti-social behaviour 57.9%
BS01 Proportion of homes for which all required gas safety checks have been carried out 100%
BS02 Proportion of homes for which all required Fire Risk Assessments have been carried out 100%
BS03 Proportion of homes for which all required asbestos management surveys or reinspections have been carried out  100%
BS04 Proportion of homes for which all required legionella risk assessments have been carried out  97.6%
BS05 Proportion of homes for which all required communal passenger lift safety checks have been carried out 99.8%
NM01 (1) Number of anti-social behaviour cases opened (per 1,000 homes) 5
NM01 (2) Number of anti-social behaviour cases that involve hate-related incidents opened (per 1,000 homes) 0
RP01 Proportion of homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard 4.8
RP02 (1) Proportion of non-emergency responsive repairs completed within the target timescale 83.7%
RP02 (2) Proportion of emergency responsive repairs completed within the target timescale 96.9%
CH01 (1) Number of Stage 1 complaints received per 1,000 homes 58
CH01 (2) Number of Stage 2 complaints received per 1,000 homes 8
CH02 (1) Proportion of Stage 1 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code timescales 55.2%
CH02 (2) Proportion of Stage 2 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code timescales 11.1%

We will share with you on this page when the Regulator of Social Housing has published the data to allow our tenants to compare performance with other landlords. 

Performance in responding to your Complaints

EastendHomes is a member of the Housing Ombudsman Scheme and seeks to be accessible and transparent to our residents. 

Each year we publish a self-assessment against the Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code, which includes identifying any areas where we think we need to make changes or improvements to ensure that we continue to meet the expectations of the Code. 

The self-assessment is one of a number of documents published which provide information on how EastendHomes is performing in managing complaints. You can download a copy of all of these here. Last published 28 June 2024.

Self-Assessment against Complaint Handling Code Link [pdf] 326KB
Complaint Performance and Service Improvement Report Link [pdf] 141KB
Board response to the report Link [pdf] 72KB

You can find the EastendHomes Complaints and Compliments Policy on the Policies page.

Learning from Complaints

On closing each complaint, EastendHomes reviews whether there are opportunities for learning from what has been reported to us, and making changes to improve our services. Outcomes during 2023/24 included:

  • More proactively seeking any information on vulnerabilities within a household which might impact on how urgently we need to complete a repair or how we manage their complaint
  • Reviewing our template letters and correspondence to make complainants' rights clearer
  • Accepting that we may need to use statutory powers such as applying to court for an injunction for access, even where we have concerns about vulnerabilities in a household, to ensure that health and safety issues are addressed in a timely manner