Our local complaints surgeries are here to help | Latest news

Our local complaints surgeries are here to help

Our in person complaints surgeries are held at our local housing centres on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of every month.

They are an opportunity to get things sorted in person. Pop by or book an appointment to:

  • Get issues resolved
  • Log a complaint
  • Check on an existing complaint. 

Find us at:

St George's and Glamis Housing Centre

1st Tuesday of the month 9am-1pm

Mile End Housing Centre

2nd Tuesday of every month 9am-1pm

Island Gardens Housing Centre 

3rd Tuesday of every month 9am-1pm


You can also report a report through our website here: https://www.eastendhomes.net/how-to-make-a-complaint or by calling our Customer Resolution Officer on 0207 517 0443.

Posted in Complaints

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