Major Works Timetable
You can search by block or street name to find out what works are planned to your home.
The information displayed is for general guidance. The nature of the works still to be carried out will be subject to a detailed survey. If your home is included in the programme, you will be given more details nearer to the time.
Please follow the steps below to view what works are planned or have been completed.
- click here to open / download: works timetable [xlsx] 31KB
- to select where you live, click on the arrow in the box that says ‘Block/Street name’
- click on the ‘Select All’ box – all the ticks in all the boxes will disappear
- scroll down using your mouse until you find your block or street and then tick that box and select ‘ok’
- by scrolling across the screen from left to right you will be able to see what work is either completed or planned for your home.
- there is a key at the top left explaining what the symbols in each box mean
For any other questions about the proposed work, just click on the following link to get the name and telephone number of the Project Management Team dealing with these works.